Case STudies & Testimonials

testimonials tracy dedman coaching executive coaching transition coaching high potential coaching maternity coaching bespoke coaching one-on-one coaching leadership workplace development

Have a read of the testimonials and case studies from some of my incredible clients.

I came away from coaching feeling focused, capable and liberated."

Carl was a Senior Commercial Manager working in a large global organisation.

I was challenged, supported and questioned... and offered lots of time to think and find clarity."

John was a senior executive in a large global organisation leading a large team.

I wouldn't have coped in my new role without the confidential sounding board, knowledge and support."

Andy was a regional manager in a retail bank with a new mission.

Returning to work after maternity leave was tough, but thanks to my coaching. I was able to carve out a new role, communicate effectively and figure out options to prioritise both my son and my work."

Sara was returning to a new role at an investment bank after a period of maternity leave.

When we began I had no clue what the answer was but in just over an hour I had found my own solution and I felt great about putting it in place. I couldn't had achieved that on my own."

Will was a senior executive at a global retail bank when he hired a coach.

Having observed female colleagues juggle motherhood with career commitments, I felt terrified about how I'd do it myself - but thanks to Tracy's support, my fears turned out to be unfounded."

Kate was returning to her role as a director at a PR firm after nine months maternity leave.

When I first knew I would receive coaching I was a little daunted and unsure of what to expect... It was such a confidence boost to learn I had the answers but just needed Tracy's skills to teach me how to find them."

Gemma was a newly appointed sales manager for a large global organisation.

I came away from my sessions with a much deeper insight about my work style... I am more able to communicate under pressure and feel confident and prepared about the idea of returning to work because of the coaching I received."

Mary was a sector manager in a government organisation.

Tracy is very good at seeing the bigger picture and at getting you to challenge yourself to come up with your own, workable solutions to a challenge. Investing in coaching has been one of the best developmental opportunities I have had, and I cannot recommend Tracy enough."

Fiona was a Senior Executive working in a Government Organisation.

I started the journey with Tracy as my maternity coach who has become a life coach really. She asked powerful questions yet always listened actively. She is very switched on to cultural differences and was humble to learn about different perspectives/experiences other than her own. This has been one of the watershed moments in my career - both from professional and personal growth perspectives."

Beatrice is a Senior Manager in a global professional services firm.